Saturday, December 01, 2007


AHHHHH!!!! It has been a scary sight to see the past two days. We have received a TON of rain. Since moving to Phoenix, Arizona, we have not see it rain yet. I was beginning to think that rain did not exist in this part of the US. Boy was I wrong! Aparently, this has been the single largest precipitation event in 10 years for the valley. Yesterday, it practically rained non stop for the entire day. Today, we had some strong busts of rain and wind during the day.

We are not allowed to talk about the frozen form of rain, but I heard that there is some on the ground just a couple hours North of here... =) I cannot wait to see the Grand Canyon with white on it!

At any rate, I figured rain in Phoenix was a blog worth event... The cold front pushing it was something too since it is about 50 degrees outside right now... Brrrr... Cold and rain... Yuck!

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