Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Better Way to Make Money in Vegas!

I am sure that this title alone will attract thousands of people to my blog. For those hoping for some gambling secret, sorry, I do not have any except one, but I do not want to share it. =)

Last week, I spent 7 days sitting in a classroom in Las Vegas. I attended a CCNA and CCDA boot camp in preparation for the respective certifications. It was a VERY long week for me. What made it longer is that it added to the "month that will not end." This month has been abnormally busy with travel. From August 4 (our 7th anniversary) through August 29, I have only had 1 day off. Granted, we were able to complete a massive project for one of our clients and I was able to receive invaluable training, but I am tired.

I am definetly looking forward to a long weekend!

So, what does this title have to do with this content. Training. For a long time, I have worked on the "practical" side of IT. All of my experience and knowledge has been self-taught for the most part. After this week of training, I have to admit that the secret lies somewhere between. Practical training and experience is absolutely essential to IT, but the head knowledge and certifications demonstrate a base knowledge the employeers are looking for.

I believe that there are some exciting days ahead for me as I finish these certifications. I have also been in discussions with my company about the future and I hope that this all plays together!

Friday, August 15, 2008

7 Years!!

On August 4, 2008, Tiffany and I celebrated our 7th Anniversary in style... We flew to Virginia so I could work... =(

August 4 began a 12 day work week for me that ended today. We spent a week in Virginia where I put in many many hours of work migrating two servers. It was a highly stressful experience, so I am very happy that it is over.

While in Virginia, we had the great pleasure of visiting with some friends. This was Tiffany's first trip back in 11 months, so some of the reunions were nice! To end the trip, we rented Segway's in Richmond. We had an awesome time riding around with some friends along the Canal Walk. The owner of the shop was super nice and even remembered out names (Very impressive when a person remembers names after hearing them ONE time!)!

Over the next week, we were equally busy. After 111.75 hours of work over a 12 day period, I am ready to relax for a couple days. This evening, we are going to see a drive in movie and then head up to the Grand Canyon in our brand new car.

Yup! Part of the reason this week was so busy is that I had to haggle with some Honda dealerships for our brand new 2008 Honda Civic LX! At the time of this writing, we now have 66 miles on the car. We are so excited to have this new blessing from the Lord. It is great to see how the Lord has blessed us over the past 7 years of marriage. I thank God for his provisions for us. Most of all, I thank God for my wonderful wife. Tiffany is a daily blessing to me and I love her more every day!

In the words of Kip from Napolean Dynamite, "Peace Out!"