Thursday, August 28, 2008

A Better Way to Make Money in Vegas!

I am sure that this title alone will attract thousands of people to my blog. For those hoping for some gambling secret, sorry, I do not have any except one, but I do not want to share it. =)

Last week, I spent 7 days sitting in a classroom in Las Vegas. I attended a CCNA and CCDA boot camp in preparation for the respective certifications. It was a VERY long week for me. What made it longer is that it added to the "month that will not end." This month has been abnormally busy with travel. From August 4 (our 7th anniversary) through August 29, I have only had 1 day off. Granted, we were able to complete a massive project for one of our clients and I was able to receive invaluable training, but I am tired.

I am definetly looking forward to a long weekend!

So, what does this title have to do with this content. Training. For a long time, I have worked on the "practical" side of IT. All of my experience and knowledge has been self-taught for the most part. After this week of training, I have to admit that the secret lies somewhere between. Practical training and experience is absolutely essential to IT, but the head knowledge and certifications demonstrate a base knowledge the employeers are looking for.

I believe that there are some exciting days ahead for me as I finish these certifications. I have also been in discussions with my company about the future and I hope that this all plays together!

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